Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 24 and 35

Friday I finally got to skype with Hannah for the first time after we graduated, and then I did a hill workout. I ate a huge breakfast for some reason, and Sigrid had make this gross looking soup for lunch with chunks of meat clearly floating around, that I had seen cooking the day before with basically an animal carcass in it. So Rachel and I decided to make a salad. I did blend some of the soup for the kids though, because otherwise they wouldn't have eaten it. And I made zucchini bread because I've been craving it. Even Sigrid tried it and didn't have anything bad to say. But when she saw it on the counter, she decided she had to make cake with Magnus. And then I was in the kitchen, and she asked me if I had eaten the soup. I said no, because there was meat in it. She replied that it was just what had fallen off while cooking, and that she hadn't put any in on purpose. And then I tried to explain for the 500th time that just because the meat gets in there accidentally, it's not vegetarian. And even if you can't see meat, if it's made with it, it's not vegetarian. And she just interrupted me and said "it's fine! it's fine! it's fine!". So I just left the room. Her cooking's gross anyways.

In the evening we went out with out tough mudder team for the first time, and Rachel and I had 2 mojitos that were basically rum. Then we ended up at Dublin Inn where karaoke is, and decided we could have a cider and then be done. But our friend was working and brought us 2 for 1. And then I sang, and this guy was trying to hit on me for a friend, but I let him buy me a drink and then I just ended up ignoring them. But I really did not need that beer. Finally we could go home.

Saturday waking up was a little rough. We got to breakfast and Sigrid was there...ugh. She wanted to make lunch but luckily we were planning on going to a nearby city for a big flea market Gritta's mom was helping with. I went upstairs with the twins to get them dressed, and they were right with me. Then, all of a sudden, Magnus comes running in like he does when he wants to annoy me and the twins. Unfortunately, the twins love to slam doors. We get upset with them and are trying to get them to stop, especially after Philippa's finger. But Greta slammed the door in Magnus' face, and the handle hit his eye. He was screaming like it was the end of the world, but he's often extremely dramatic and I was thinking he would just need an ice pack or something. And then I saw blood. Luckily the parents had come running upstairs and called an ambulance. He was lucky, and everything will be fine, but it was really scary. Philippa knew exactly what was going on and even recognized the doctor that came, and Greta was upset all day because she knew it was somehow her fault. So we stayed home with the girls all morning, and decided to make ourselves lunch before Sigrid could. We made another salad with a yummy mint basil yogurt dressing, and then pasta with sauce. I cooked onions, bell pepper, zucchini and tomatoes, then added spices, herbs, tomato past and a little water and blended it up. I'm trying to get more veggies in those kids, because lately all we've been eating is meat, potatoes, oil and lots and lots of salt. I barely added any salt. Henny had told us she likes pasta with zucchini so we added a little grated zucchini and some corn at the end just so they at least knew they were eating veggies and it still tasted good. And I have to say, I ate a lot of food, but I felt so much better than I usually do after lunch. Usually I'm sluggish and heavy and tired, and really thirsty. But after eating this, even though I was exhausted, it wasn't from the food at all. I was full, but it was a good full and I didn't feel super weighed down. It makes me wonder what Sigrid puts in the food. Obviously oil and salt. And she sneaks meat and broth into my food, I know it.

I stayed in my bed all afternoon and kind of took a nap, and then I finally made myself get up and do yoga. I did one of the advanced classes, and it was certainly more than a little stretching! I never really got hungry and didn't want to have to get dressed to go downstairs, so I didn't eat after that.But I kind of ate all morning, so I just basically ate all my meals early.

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