Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22

Whelp, I've been slacking. I would say it's because I'm busy with working all day every day and interviews and such, but I've been slacking on eating well too. I felt so good after I got back from Portugal, but now I'm back to blah. I have been pretty good about working out, but eating is a disaster.

Rachel and I decided to do this 8 week challenge. You basically get points for eating healthy, working out, avoiding unhealthy things, and weight loss. The first 2 days I didn't do so great, but today I got all the points! I've substituted drinking water for not eating off the twins' plates though, because I hate throwing food away and it's so easy to do. But it just all adds up, I don't need it, and it's kinda gross. I'm sure they've slobbered on everything they've ever touched.

Today, I woke up early and did a sprint workout in the freezing windy rain. I came back, did an arms circuit, and then went down to breakfast. The girls are all home, so only Magnus had to be up early and I could get up a little later. It was pretty nasty weather, and the kids were terrible today. We painted, bathed them, made a salad to go with the pancakes at lunch, and then it had finally stopped raining. I took the twins for a walk while Rachel picked up Magnus. Sigrid, who's been here forever and used to be the housekeeper, is filling in until the new girl starts working. She's old and loads the kids up on sweets and goes behind our backs and makes super salty and oily foods. We made sure to make the dressing before she got there because even her salad dressings are salty! Pancakes are yummy though, with homemade applesauce and cooked blueberries.

We tried to make all the kids nap, but it was kind of a fail. They all cried and complained but finally some of them slept. In the afternoon we just chased after them and told them to stop being horrible, and were able to go outside for a while. I cut up veggies and Rachel and I ended eating a lot of them. Then we came inside and fed the kids and tried to get them to bed early. I just had the veggies and some apple slices with a couple wedges of camembert, along with (fake vegetarian alert) some wurst from the hofladen. I don't even like it that much I just can't stop. Then after we put them to bed I had a little piece of the giant wasa knäckerbrots with peanut butter and honey.

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